Sunday, December 26, 2010

Soundbites from 2 Corinthians: Relying on God not ourselves

Over the next few posts, I'm going to pick out my favourite verses from 2 Corinthians and share the challenges and encouragements I've received from them. This letter that Paul wrote to the church in Corinth is possibly my favourite NT letter- whenever I read it, in whatever circumstances, it speaks to me so strongly about persevering through suffering and rejoicing in our salvation and the fact that we've been reconciled with God.

So here's my starter:
'We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure... But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.' 2 Cor 1:8-9

Paul and his ministry team had really been through a tough time. In Ephesus, they faced huge opposition and riots, and were driven out of the city. Paul was hearing reports about the church in Corinth being full of sexual immorality and division, due to false teachers, and faced the personal pain and humiliation of the Corinthians being swayed by the persuasive words of men who did not have the apostolic authority that Paul himself did. Paul describes how they were in such a difficult situation, and yet God put them through it for a reason: so they would rely on Him, not on themselves.

How often do we need to be reminded of this lesson! Time and time again, we fall back on our own resources and forget to trust in God to provide us with everything we need. Paul reminds us in this verse that God raised Christ from the dead- therefore He's not going to find it too hard to help us out in our difficult situations!

I always find that at this time of the year it's natural to reflect on the year that has passed- 2010. And I can really testify that this year God did take me through some times where I felt I was completely beyond my own ability to endure- particularly in my time of extreme sickness where I had about two months off work, and I just didn't think I could take it any more! But I knew God's faithfulness in that time, especially when I was in hospital, much more than if I had been 100% healthy and well. God really does know best, and I pray that this year I'd learn to rely on Him way more!

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