Lessons from David- Psalm 34
'I will extol the Lord at all times,' David cries (1), because 'I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.' (4)
The context for this Psalm (David's encounter with Abimelech, when he feigned madness and managed to escape) shows that it is a testimony of a time where David sought God and God answered. It is an experience of God's goodness that leaves David jumping for joy with praise to God, despite his otherwise troublesome situation (being on the run from Saul).
And what is the point of our faith unless we experience God's grace for ourselves? Unless the joy of being in a relationship with Jesus penetrates our attitude and daily life, we can have no true faith.
This psalm calls us to experience God's goodness personally:
'Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him' (8).
Note that it says 'takes refuge'- that implies that things will be difficult for us. We will have troubles, and we will need refuge. Experiencing God's goodness is not, then, about having a sunny problem-free existence, but about coming to God in the bad times as well as the good, and still praising Him- because there is always something to praise God for.
The Bible gives us great promises that are REAL! We can know God's grace now and even this side of heaven, we can discover that 'those who fear Him lack nothing... no good thing' (9-10).
We need to turn from evil and do good (14) if we want to know true blessing, but the best thing is that the Lord redeems us. No matter how sinful we are, 'no-one will be condemned who takes refuge in Him' (22). This is the amazing truth of the Gospel.
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