Lessons from David- Psalms 58-59
Hate their behaviour, don't imitate it
David's rants against unjust men, and calls for God to punish them, may seem unpalatable to modern taste, but at least he does not descend to act like them. In so many films and books, heroes repond to their enemies by treating them in exactly the same way. We are not to be enticed to become like them.
Leave it to God to judge them
David is calling on God to act, not for God to authorise his own vigilante campaign. He recognises that it is God's place to deliver and punish others.
Keep trusting in God and praising Him
'O my Strength, I watch for You;
You, O God, are my fortress, my loving God'. (9)
'But I will sing of Your strength in the morning I will sing of Your love; for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.' (16)
David keeps praising God- he doesn't just moan about his enemies all the time! We too need that perspective.
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